I think all parents have had this happen. You are falling sleep, your arm is totally asleep, you peek at your child only to see them wide-eyed looking right at you. Heavy sigh.
M: How did bedtime go?
L: My arm fell asleep before he did.
M: How did bedtime go?
L: My arm fell asleep before he did.
G: What is your hang-up with the economical choice of flushing leftovers down the toilet?
A: You have to ask "is this food similar to poop?"
B: *green face*
Explanation: I'm no weightlifter, but I think one of the lowest classes is lightweight. But I don't think they lift lights. I could be wrong.
A: Will you ever increase your weight class?!
B: *lifting a barbell with a lightbulb on either end*
Explanation: A common circus act is an escape artist. Children are escape artists, especially when you want them to do something they do not want to do.
A: They have circus and magic classes for little kids.
L: Absolutely not - I'm not sending them to learn how to be escape artists.
L: Dang it, where is Ori?!
Explanation: The Brontosaurus dinosaur has a very long neck. She would need a very long straw to get that bubble tea all the way up to her mouth. The paleontology community seems to keep flipping between Brontosaurus and Apatosaurus being the same or different dinosaurs. They look very similar and one could be a juvenile of the other but there are some differences and it's fascinating how little we know about dinosaurs.
A: Where are the special straws? I have a boba for -
B: Not the brontosaurus again!!!
A: Apatosaurus.
Explanation: God sent an angel to shut the lions' mouths but in my comic, that just means they don't eat Daniel and can still complain. The cubs in the second version are quoting the song from Veggie Tales, "Oh no, what we gonna do? The king likes Daniel more than me and you." Are the cubs in the first comic acting like my kids when I tell them they can't have a snack as I'm preparing dinner? MAYBE.
Dad Lion: Daniel is OFF the MENU! Stop asking!
Cub 1: But daaaaaaaaaaaaad
Cub 2, belly-up: HUNGRY!
Alt version:
Dad Lion: Daniel is OFF the MENU! Stop asking!
Cub 1: Oh no!
Cub 2, belly-up: What we gonna do?
Explanation: "Dill" and "deal" sound similar, and dill is a popular flavor with pickles. A child being ornery can be described as "being a pickle" - this might be a phrase often used in Bluey.
L: Your sister is being a pickle. And I can't dill with that so your dad has her.
O: Yesh - pickle pizza. Bye!
Title: Sudoku
A: You totally guessed!
L: No, it was a miscalculated risk that worked.
Explanation: A Bobcat is a construction vehicle that looks quite similar to a skid steer. The best way to tell them apart is to be able to read the logo on them. BUT WAIT I WAS WRONG? "A skid steer loader is a type of machine, a Bobcat is a brand of skid steer." So... she did see a skid steer. It was just a branded one. It still wasn't a kid steer. So I have that.
R: Mom, look! It's a ... kid-steer.
L: Close, that's a Bobcat.
Explanation: "By" and "buy" sound the same and mean very different things which change the meaning of that sentence.
L: Is that a tub of duckies in that shop's window?
M: Yes, we should go by that shop.
L: Seems extreme, but sure - let's go buy that shop.
O: Quack!
M: How is your new phone?
L: I spent the last two hours making it look and act like my old phone.