Sunday, February 16, 2025

Lions of Daniel

Alternate version:

We had a special speaker at church a few weeks ago and he spoke from Daniel 6, which is probably the most famous chapter of Daniel. There is a lot going on in the rest of the book - I recommend reading it. My daughter really likes the story of "Daniel's friends" i.e. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (she watches the Saddleback Kid's "Stories of the Bible" version).

Explanation: God sent an angel to shut the lions' mouths but in my comic, that just means they don't eat Daniel and can still complain. The cubs in the second version are quoting the song from Veggie Tales, "Oh no, what we gonna do? The king likes Daniel more than me and you."  Are the cubs in the first comic acting like my kids when I tell them they can't have a snack as I'm preparing dinner? MAYBE.

Dad Lion: Daniel is OFF the MENU! Stop asking!
Cub 1: But daaaaaaaaaaaaad
Cub 2, belly-up: HUNGRY!

Alt version:

Dad Lion: Daniel is OFF the MENU! Stop asking!
Cub 1: Oh no!
Cub 2, belly-up: What we gonna do?

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Can't Dill with a Pickle

Some days it be like that. Yes, that is my toddler using a Magna-Tile as a phone to order pickle pizza. 

Explanation: "Dill" and "deal" sound similar, and dill is a popular flavor with pickles. A child being ornery can be described as "being a pickle" - this might be a phrase often used in Bluey. 

L: Your sister is being a pickle. And I can't dill with that so your dad has her.
O: Yesh - pickle pizza. Bye!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Pizza Wars

When I visited my family over Christmas, my kids happily talked about their favorite pizza, which is pickle pizza. It's not on any menus that we've found, but we make our own pizza when it's pleasant outside (since we grill it) and also we have a local Italian place that makes it for us (just add pickles on a cheese pizza). My daughter really, really likes pickles but honestly, the pizza is good. My brother commented that it was an issue that could unite the pro/anti pineapple crowds.

Scene 1: Person A is angry with a sign "Yes Pineapple" while Person B is angry with a sign "No no no Pineapple."
Scene 2: Person C is happy with a sign "Yes Pickles!" while Persons A&B look on, confused.
Scene 3: Person A is angry with the back of his sign "No Pickles No" and Person B is angry with the back of his sign "No no no Pickles" while Person C is still happy with his sign "Yes Pickles!"

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Miscalculated Risk


I like playing Sudoku, but not the really hard ones because then it gets frustrating. Sometimes I incorrectly narrow down a square but it still works out. It's not really guessing because I thought I had logic'ed it out. Like "it can't be 3 or 4 so it must be 2" but actually 4 was still in the running however 2 was correct so it's all good.

Title: Sudoku
A: You totally guessed!
L: No, it was a miscalculated risk that worked. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025


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My dad has a skid steer and my daughter now tries to spot them in the wild. If you have young kids who like construction vehicles, I recommend looking up Diggerland in NJ - it was a wonderful adventure for my kiddos and also us because who doesn't want to dump dirt with an excavator. 

Explanation: A Bobcat is a construction vehicle that looks quite similar to a skid steer. The best way to tell them apart is to be able to read the logo on them. BUT WAIT I WAS WRONG? "A skid steer loader is a type of machine, a Bobcat is a brand of skid steer." So... she did see a skid steer. It was just a branded one. It still wasn't a kid steer. So I have that.

R: Mom, look! It's a ... kid-steer.
L: Close, that's a Bobcat.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Buy the By

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The comedy of words that sound the same. Some call them homonyms. Those people are nerds :)

Explanation: "By" and "buy" sound the same and mean very different things which change the meaning of that sentence. 

L: Is that a tub of duckies in that shop's window?
M: Yes, we should go by that shop.
L: Seems extreme, but sure - let's go buy that shop.
O: Quack!

Sunday, February 2, 2025

New Phone Same Look

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True Story. I needed a new phone because my old phone was crashing when I took photos and that's a major thing I do with my phone because I have small kids and they're cute. And it would corrupt the image I had tried to capture in the crash so that was further frustrating. So I went from a 6 to an 8 and was able to get the 8 to look like my 6. Yay!

M: How is your new phone?
L: I spent the last two hours making it look and act like my old phone. 

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Tune the Car Musically

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Happy early Birthday to my father-in-law, sister-in-law, and nephew! So many birthdays this weekend. 

Explanation: Tuning a car and tuning an instrument are not very similar but we use the same word for both. Why is English like this.

A: Are you ready to tune the car? *holding a wrench*
B: To the key of C. *holding a tuning fork*
A: What?
B: What?

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


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Oh, the English language. 

L: You have syrup on your forearms.
R: I don't have four arms. 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Winter Driving Tips

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Stay safe out there. Which means, don't follow this comic's comical advice. 
Happy early Birthday to my littlest brother! How are you a college senior you were like 3 when I went to college.

A: Winter driving tips?
B: Match your driving speed to the weather.
A: Excellent advice.
B: So if it's 20F, drive 20MPH.
A: I take it back.

A: ... summer driving tips?
B: Match your driving speed to the humidity.
A: That explains Florida drivers.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Be Anything But

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So this is was created while my husband was playing DOTA2. In the first step of the game, you pick your character (called heroes) but you can ban heroes as well so people can't pick them. It's all a strategy move. 

A: You can be anything you want to be!
B: They banned my preferred hero.
A: You can be anything you want to be as long as it's not Zeus/Storm Spirit/Dragon Knight!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Not a Train

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My son received a cute wooden car carrier with three little cars and he loves playing with it but he makes it chug along because he likes trains and his sister is not cool with that misrepresentation. 

O: Choo choo!
R: That! is! not! a! train!!!
O: ... choo choo!

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Vintage and Spoiled

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As it happens, this one came from a sermon doodle and it's included below. The sermon title was "Divine Urgent Care" which made me think of "the vine urgent care" which would be a fruit/vegetable taking care of some wrinkly grapes but that'd be hard to draw so I changed it up. 

Explanation: It's a play on "looking your age" but with wine it's vintage not age. Also when milk goes bad it's spoiled (not just a bad attitude but that would probably contribute). 

Milk: You are looking your vintage.
Wine: You are acting spoiled.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Shrimp Chicken Quack

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He really does know his animals, he just sometimes fails under pressure. But really, what child actually *knows* what shrimp is? 

M: This is shrimp.
O: Chicken! Quack!
M: Wrong on all accounts, buddy.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Eternal Sickness of a Toddler Winter

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Some days it be like that. Why are kids the best at sharing germs? It's like they won't give you the remote but they will sneeze directly in your eyeball. No snuggles at bedtime but all the snuggles when a tissue is direly needed.

Oh, here's the sketch this one came from:

Title: Eternal Sickness of a Toddler Winter
R: It's my turn to mutate the virus!
N: *handing over green blob* Ok, give it back when you are done.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Tool Search

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 Not much to add.

Explanation: Calling someone a tool is an insult. The awkward pause makes it seem like the worker is self-labeling an insult. 

Title: Home Improvement Store
L: I'm looking for a tool. *shows phone*
W: Well, I'm right here.
W: And! I can help.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

No Solution Desired

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My child does not like waiting for me to finish my breakfast tea. I don't like rushing into the day. We are at an impasse. But as far as solutions go, I'm super grateful for my Yeti tumbler (not a sponsor) - I got it at an Alumni meetup from my college and it works wonderfully. It keeps my tea hot for hours! One time, I made boiling hot tea at 9am, sealed it and put it in my car out in the winter weather, then didn't drink it until after lunch around 2pm and it was perfect drinking temperature. If you're a parent who keeps getting pulled away from their tea and coming back to a cold cup, I think this is an excellent solution. 

R: Play with me!
L: I want to finish my tea first.
R: Use a fermos*
L: I don't want a solution.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Penne for your Thoughts

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You rigatotally had me there. If you want to know the difference in these noodles, see here: 

Explanation: "Penny" and "penne" sound similar and "penny for your thoughts" is a normal phrase. 

A: Why are you handing me a pasta noodle?
B: Penne for your thoughts?
A: That's rigatoni. 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Toddler Logic

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Some days it be like that. This is a true story, depicting Oriole dumping out the freshly tidied up toys. But kids want to play and learn and not stick with your schedule. 

M: Why are you doing that - that's not helpful!
L: There's your answer.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Second Try

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It's probably not fine, but we're gonna click the red button to surely find out! I thought this one up in a conversation with my brother, but I don't remember the context. 

A: Third time's the charm!
B: But this is the second try?
A: Yep, I have a bad feeling about this attempt.