We had a special speaker at church a few weeks ago and he spoke from Daniel 6, which is probably the most famous chapter of Daniel. There is a lot going on in the rest of the book - I recommend reading it. My daughter really likes the story of "Daniel's friends" i.e. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (she watches the Saddleback Kid's "Stories of the Bible" version).
Explanation: God sent an angel to shut the lions' mouths but in my comic, that just means they don't eat Daniel and can still complain. The cubs in the second version are quoting the song from Veggie Tales, "Oh no, what we gonna do? The king likes Daniel more than me and you." Are the cubs in the first comic acting like my kids when I tell them they can't have a snack as I'm preparing dinner? MAYBE.
Dad Lion: Daniel is OFF the MENU! Stop asking!
Cub 1: But daaaaaaaaaaaaad
Cub 2, belly-up: HUNGRY!
Alt version:
Dad Lion: Daniel is OFF the MENU! Stop asking!
Cub 1: Oh no!
Cub 2, belly-up: What we gonna do?