Thursday, September 5, 2024

Plebe vs Proletariat

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The truest of stories would have these characters in a car, but that's no fun to draw. Do I know what plebeians or proletariats are? Vaguely. I do know they go together like princes and paupers. No one was injured in the running of this stop sign, but you still shouldn't run stop signs (no matter your social class).

Explanation: Saying something is for plebes (the slang for plebeians) is to say only the lowly need to do it and if you're of a higher standing then you can ignore it. Proletariats were a higher standing than plebeians in the old order.

M: There was a stop sign - why didn't he stop?!?
L: Stop signs are for plebes - he seemed more proletariat. 

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