Thursday, August 27, 2020

Local Children


Ending on a local note :) There are towns named Laurel, Glen Burnie, and Arbutus in Maryland. Only two of those are normal names (and the one is usually spelled Glenn). "Arbutus" is pronounced "Are-byoot-us" not "Are-butt-us" but I usually pick the latter because... it's immature. The lady's hairstyle is called a beehive and for some reason the wiki article doesn't mention Baltimore - it is prominently connected with that Maryland city. See HonFest. And the "O" is orange and cursive because the Orioles do that (local baseball team). And in Baltimorese, you call people "hon." 

B: Are those your kids over there?
C: Yep, that's Laurel, Glen B., and little Arbutus.
B: O my, I didn't realize you're a local, hon.

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