Thursday, May 16, 2024

Bored of Elections

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Happy Birthday Eve to my niece and my grandma!
Please read your official mail - sometimes it has useful stuff in there. Also, don't checkout and be bored of elections - they are important and you should make your voice heard even if your voice seems small. 

Explanation: "Board" and "bored" sound the same, and by the time an election finally happens there's been so much news coverage of all the main angles that it can be boring. 

A: You got something from the Board of Elections.
B: Sign me up! I'm bored of elections.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Voting Idiocy


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Happy Birthday to my niece!
I believe the Maryland Primaries are today, so research and vote if you're in a group that does that! Side note - I really like my mouseover on this comic. 

A: What do you think of the bill?
B: Only an idiot would vote for that.
A: You're that sure it'll pass?

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Repost: Happy Mother's Day 2019

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A repost from 2019! This might be my favorite line from Dr. Seuss, taken from the famous Are You My Mother book which WAIIIIIIIIIIIT it's not a Dr. Seuss book???? But it's shaped just like them??? It's actually a P. D. Eastman book. Today I learned. It was published in 1960, which means it's older than my parents. 

Baby Bird: I am glad you are my Mother. And that you are not a SNORT.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Ranking Hospitals

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Happy Birthday to my Brother-in-Law! He's about a year older than me and a few years ago he had appendicitis so ever since I've been wary that my appendix could expire at any time. He probably went to the local General Hospital. There's a road near me named Columbia Gateway but it's abbreviated on signs to Col. Gateway and that makes me think either Colonel Gateway or shorten it further to Col. Gate. like the toothpaste. Also for this comic I was thinking what other ranks could be funny hospitals and realized Private Hospital is a thing.

Explanation: General Hospitals are a thing, they aren't specialist. But also General is a military ranking like Colonel. But I'm pretty sure military hospitals don't rank like that.  

A: Are they at the Windsor General Hospital?
B: No, the Windsor Colonel Hospital.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


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I'm not on the Twitter/X so is it still called retweeting? I have the same name as a celebrity so my ability to get accounts with my name is rather limited and I haven't tried to enter that particular sphere. Also did I draw a chick who should be cheeping rather than tweeting? Maybe. Maybe it's a baby tweety bird that just happens to be yellow and orange. It could happen. HAH I should have looked up what a baby mockingbird looks like, they would be retweeting since they like mimicry so much. 

Explanation: Birds are often characterized as saying "tweet" so a natural progression from that would be to "retweet." 

Title: Some kids are born leaders - others, however...
Baby Bird: Retweet! Retweet!

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Riddle me E

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At first I didn't get what my man said because I heard it as "you" and I was like "no, that has no 'e's in it!" but then he clarified it as a female sheep and I was befuddled. The expected answer was "envelope" because the letter contained in it is a physical paper like a note also called a letter. But "ewe" sounds like the letter U so now there are two answers. Can you think of any more that qualify? The word must start and end with E and contain one letter (take that as you will). EYE! That's a third answer (sounds like I). Words like "eve" or "ere" don't qualify in my opinion because they contain three letters (i.e. "how many letters does the word "eve" contain?) but an argument could be made for saying the 'e's contain the one letter but that's really breaking down what 'contain' means in reference to a word. 

L: What word starts and ends with E and contains one letter?
M: Ewe.
L: Envel... wait a minute - that works, too. 

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Food Leaf Blower


Happy Birthday Eve to my Mark! He's the best. 

So I can't find the link for a food leaf blower, but this item is close. I can't find one for food but there are several on Amazon for keyboards and similar, so they're USB powered and meant to clean off your desk dirt. But I think that would work for food too if you have a converter to charge it near your kid's food. Or you just bring your computer over to the food area and plug it in like that. 

L: *scrolling on phone* Does Robin need a little leaf blower for her food?
M: *holding a pizza slice* I think I just burned my tongue.
L: Do you need a little leaf blower for your food?