Thursday, May 30, 2019

Moving the Door

There was a lot of text for this one, so I opted to type using my custom font which I like.
So the restroom configuration could be improved at my church, but it would require moving the door which is not the end of the world but would be a decent construction project. And I was thinking how it could go wrong and came up with this comic. I don't believe the project has gotten past the 'should we do this' phase, so it's nowhere close to happening. The restroom works as is, so there's no rush, and if there's no rush, it's not gonna happen. At least that's how it seems to work normally.

A: Why are the ladies mad at us? We are moving the restroom door, just like they requested.
B: I have no idea - we patched over the old doorway last week and we plan to install the new doorway in the coming weeks.

<Explanation - if you patch over the door and haven't cut in the new doorway, the room is inaccessible>

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


This is based on a shirt my husband got for his brother, which described debugging as being the detective in a mystery where you are also the murderer. It's surprisingly true. You push a nice change, QA says there's an issue, you look at what you just did a day or two ago and somehow nothing looks familiar. How is this data getting through here? It makes no sense anymore.

Title: Debugging
S: I know I did it but HOW?

Sunday, May 26, 2019


Not sure how practical this would be, but I'm sure it would be unexpected. Kinda like in Black Panther how his suit stores up the energy of a hit then reflects it back (or something like that). I'm trying to think of how harmor (harm armor) would work, maybe the darts are somehow woven into the chain mail? Then ejected when needed? I think sci-fi should have this on their list of medieval options. Maybe I thought this up at the Renaissance Fair. Wow, I spelled Renaissance correctly on my first try! That was unexpected.

A: This chain mail shoots darts!
B: It's harmor!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

In A Nutshell

I thought this up while eating pistachios and seeing the bowl full of shells before dumping them in the compost bin and trying to think of a use for them. I'm sure there are plenty of crafty people who could paint and assemble shells in amazing ways and I could be one of those people but there are only so many hobbies one can keep. I like drawing comics and crocheting and violin and a few other things. I should get back to crocheting - I started on my Christmas gifts in January and did the classic - made a ton of progress for like two months then haven't picked it up since. Oh well.

A: Why are you keeping these pistachio shells?
B: In case I need to explain a tiny concept!
(Title: In A Nutshell)

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Your Worst Nightmare

I was on Pinterest and I saw a Robin comic that I thought was funny so I saved it to my Happy Thoughts board and that's why I wrote a week of Batman&Robin comics.
I kinda thought this up also thinking of the part at the end of Mulan when Mushu scares the guys manning the fireworks by saying he's their worst nightmare and wearing a cape like Batman (and Cri-Kee was Robin).

T: Who are you?
B: Your worst nightmare.
T: True, I have always feared bats.
R: Holy coincidence, so did he!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Robin Eggs Candy

I was on Pinterest and I saw a Robin comic that I thought was funny so I saved it to my Happy Thoughts board. Then I thought up some of my own.
So Robin Eggs (as previously mentioned) are my favorite candy and I think it's just fitting for Robin to like them, too.

B: As long as you're not laying them.
A: Perhaps we should limit his sugar intake, Master Bruce.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Robin in Connecticut

Again, I was on Pinterest and I saw a Robin comic that I thought was funny so I saved it to my Happy Thoughts board and this inspired a week of comics. Robins are the state bird of Connecticut and therefore are protected there and you aren't allowed to kill them, even if one is attacking your truck's side mirror and crapping all over the side of your truck for several days before mysteriously disappearing. Praying Mantises are the state bird of CT and you aren't allowed to kill them, which is why we were not allowed to play on our play set as kids for like a week when a pod hatched next to the play set and the little baby mantises were covering our swings and slide.

B: Why did you leave Gotham and move to CT?!
R: Holy Protected Species, Batman.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Holy Moley

I was on Pinterest and I saw a Robin comic that I thought was funny so I saved it to my Happy Thoughts board which is just like it sounds, a board of things that make me happy. But now Pinterest thinks I like Batman which is incorrect, I just liked this one funny comic. But since I saw that comic I started seeing more Robin comics and then I thought up a few of my own. This one has probably been done before but it's a classic take on the classic Robin line, "Holy *noun*, Batman" which he used in the corny/classic Batman & Robin show I watched as a kid.

B: What critter could have dug these holes?
R: Holy Moley, Batman!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!
This is based on my favorite line from a Dr. Seuss book. My favorite book when I was a kiddo was The Pokey Little Puppy but this one is a good one too. So many quotable lines from Dr. Seuss. Spend time with whomever is a mother to you!

I am glad you are my Mother. And that you are not a SNORT.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Orchestral Tuning

Thought this up while at a very nice concert with my in-laws. The concert was by ECCO ( ), the East Coast Chamber Orchestra. It was very nice. They had this number in the middle, just like all the other concerts I've been to. I wonder who wrote it. :)

*Mid-Concert Tuning*
L: Every orchestra knows this song, and it's never in the program!
M: It has a nice dissonance.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


I feel this could be used on most politicians. The old "I was for that before I was against that." But let's not be political about this - how about you use this on your friends (or parents) the next time they change their plans to hang out / let you hang out. I'm sure it will go over swimmingly.

Your support of my campaign has been both wishy and washy.

Sunday, May 5, 2019


I think most parents can relate to this. You need to Marie Kondo that room :)

Your bedroom embodies the principles of both topsy and turvy.

Thursday, May 2, 2019


Don't you just hate it when things are like that? I'm not sure if things can be just one and not the other, Well, a fish can be just Dory. And a person can be the other maybe?
Totally unrelated to this of course, Happy Birthday Eve to my amazing husband who is both hunky and dory :)

M: Things are neither hunky nor dory.
L: *worried*