Sunday, October 6, 2024

Mad Method

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Sometimes people just don't see things the same way as you. Specifically the way you sort things. The phrase I'm playing on is "the method to one's madness" which means that there is often a reason behind someone's mysterious behavior. But often does not mean always. And sometimes someone's method is just madness. 

L: There's a method!
M: But it's madness!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Traffic Lights

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Happy Birthday Eve to my niece and nephew! I remember when my nephew was a toddler and I was riding in the back seat with him and he would say "red means go!" and laugh uproariously. I think that was when I taught him how to play rock-paper-scissors. Anyways, I went to college in Florida so I know about the beach warning flags and the purple flag means dangerous wildlife. I don't want to know what kind of area needs a purple option on the traffic light. My girl was just being silly.

R: Red light means stop! Green light means go! Purple light means...
L: Dangerous wildlife. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

DOTA2 Tiny Diet

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Happy October! 🍁
I originally was going to have a medical-type character give this advice to Tiny, but after so many tries at getting Tiny defined I went the easy route and used a Dragon Knight from an earlier comic rather than designing a Venomancer or Necrophos. A humorous part of this comic is that as Tiny levels up, he grows bigger, so to trim him down you'd need him to immature. 

Title: DOTA2: A Day in the Life - Dragon Knight
DK: My friend, you should lose some weight. 
Tiny: Back to the grindstone.