Tuesday, October 15, 2024

DOTA2 Under Attack

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I always think this line is funny because, you're in a fighting game and he's all outraged/surprised like what did you expect man? For people to not attack you? But to be fair in the game it's physical attacks not verbal, so he's right to be surprised/outraged in my comic here. 

Explanation: Enchantress is half-deer and very protective of the forest I believe so she would have a problem with someone whose main attack is shooting fire out his mouth. 

Title: DOTA2: A Day in the Life - Dragon Knight
Enchantress: Dragons are HORRIBLE for the forest - fire destroys everything good!
Dragon Knight: I am under attack!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Stay as Long as You'd Like

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Our two hours of enjoyment have expired and we are ready to go home. There are definite perks to being an introvert couple, like we're both ready to leave a party after the same rather short time, but it is hard when neither of us want to go to a thing but we should go to the thing. It was looking like our preschooler might be an extrovert, but she recently has been asking "why are we going out and about?" and wanting to stay home so maybe things are changing. 

Explanation: The host is encouraging everyone to stay and socialize, but the couple has drained their social batteries and will not be swayed. 

Title: Introverts
H: No need to rush out - stay as long as you'd like!
L: Oh, we have. 
M: *holding hand, ready to leave*

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Carousel Communication

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Did you know that some antique stores have carousel horses for sale? Sometimes they aren't full-sized, more like 3/4-sized, but some have full-sized ones. Sometimes they have the original paint job, while others have been painted one solid color, to make them seem more like a classic statue. And yes, the horse has the pole in the middle just like on the carousel so it's on a stand like that. I don't think it's a good addition to a household with small children but maybe someday. Until then, maybe a music-box-sized one will do. Why would I want a carousel horse? It could be because my grandmother has a few in her house. It's certainly not because I wanted to write carousel so many times - I think I know how to spell it by now. 

L: A carousel horse would fit nicely in our house.
M: We don't have a carousel horse. We aren't getting a carousel horse.
L: Maybe in the front room, or behind the couch. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Monster Trucks and Toddlers

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That's fair. 

L: We could take the kids to a monster truck rally.
M: Aren't those extremely loud?
L: So are the kids.
O: rawr!

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Mad Method

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Sometimes people just don't see things the same way as you. Specifically the way you sort things. The phrase I'm playing on is "the method to one's madness" which means that there is often a reason behind someone's mysterious behavior. But often does not mean always. And sometimes someone's method is just madness. 

L: There's a method!
M: But it's madness!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Traffic Lights

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Happy Birthday Eve to my niece and nephew! I remember when my nephew was a toddler and I was riding in the back seat with him and he would say "red means go!" and laugh uproariously. I think that was when I taught him how to play rock-paper-scissors. Anyways, I went to college in Florida so I know about the beach warning flags and the purple flag means dangerous wildlife. I don't want to know what kind of area needs a purple option on the traffic light. My girl was just being silly.

R: Red light means stop! Green light means go! Purple light means...
L: Dangerous wildlife. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

DOTA2 Tiny Diet

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Happy October! 🍁
I originally was going to have a medical-type character give this advice to Tiny, but after so many tries at getting Tiny defined I went the easy route and used a Dragon Knight from an earlier comic rather than designing a Venomancer or Necrophos. A humorous part of this comic is that as Tiny levels up, he grows bigger, so to trim him down you'd need him to immature. 

Title: DOTA2: A Day in the Life - Dragon Knight
DK: My friend, you should lose some weight. 
Tiny: Back to the grindstone. 

Sunday, September 29, 2024


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Happy early Birthday to my brother who gave me the idea for this comic! I think the appliances version of this comic works best, but I originally wrote it as people since that's my default mode. Please note that gaslighting is not a nice thing and you shouldn't do it. 

Explanation: Gaslighting is a form of manipulation, but also it's a type of stovetop (as opposed to electric). 

F: You're bad at gaslighting.
S: No I'm not - you're crazy!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Spin Doctor Junior

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So yeah potty training is quite the journey. My preschooler likes to emphasize "it's OK! it HAPPENS!" rather forcefully for all sorts of things, some things that truly are fine and some things that really shouldn't happen. It is a good mindset for the many things that truly are ok and happen. 

R: Mommyyyyyyyyyy!
L: What's up, my girl?
R: My shirt is dry!
L: That's good to hear.
R: My shorts are a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle bit wet BUT! It's ok! It happens!!!
L: ...Anything else to report? 
R: *deep inhale* Ineednewundies. (translation: I need new undies)

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

DOTA2 Feasting on Enough

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Happy Birthday to my Grandpa!
The character Zeus has a phrase in DOTA2 which is what he's quoting here and it makes me think. Is enough really as good as a feast? I feel like if you make exactly enough food for people, then either nobody wants to eat the last pieces so people don't actually get enough, or all the food is eaten and you're left wondering if anyone was still hungry. Maybe on an individual level, if you eat enough then it doesn't matter if you were at a feast with extra or finished off all of what you had. Hmmm...

Title: DOTA2: A Day in the Life - Zeus
Enchantress: You barely brought enough food for everyone!
Zeus: Enough is as good as a feast.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Muffet Crossover

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It's constantly surprising what a preschooler will say or fixate on. My kiddo likes Spider-Man despite never having seen a show with him. She has seen him on clothing and in books, and she really likes him. For those unaware, the Little Miss Muffet (not Muppet, that's a different crossover) rhyme reads "Along came a spider and sat down beside her."

Title: Little Miss Muffet
R: Along came Spider-Man who sat down beside her -
L: Unexpected plot twist!

Thursday, September 19, 2024

DOTA2 In the Bag

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Another DOTA2 comic! I have a few. At the beginning of the game, you can have your character exclaim that your team is going to win (it's in the bag) and each character has a phrase for that. But now I think of this when my cashier asks where he should put the receipt. 

Title: DOTA2: A Day in the Life - Dragon Knight
Storm Spirit: Where is the receipt for our questing snacks?
Dragon Knight: This, my friends, is in the bag. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Breaching a Contract

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Sometimes I can't decide which way lands better so I draw both ways and like both. So here are both! Also, I like all of my comics but some are definite favorites and this one is a favorite. I came up with it while playing card games with my family and I think this turn of phrase should enter the common vernacular. 

A: So what do you think?
B: Like a whale, you're breaching this contract. 

A: Why did Legal send me a whale picture?
B: Ah, you must be breaching a contract. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Judgmental Parenting Part 1

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Couldn't decide which version I liked better so here's both :)
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I feel like this is going to be a series. Thankfully this is not a true story in that I have not gotten this unhelpful phrase thrown at me (that I recall - maybe I'm just blocking that unhelpful encounter from my memory) - but I did have the picnicking situation described happen. In my experience, other parents tend to be super helpful and understanding, and commiserating with them is a help not drain. Sometimes kids are just weird and do unexpected, unhinged things and all you can do is warn your fellow parents that this may happen to them. Also, my son really likes ducks and might just quack at you. 

J: Well, you knew what you were getting into when you decided to have kids.
L: Really?! Did I know that my kid would open up his PB&J and slap it on my leg while we were picnicking in the park with far too many ants? Did I?!?!
O: Quack! {or} *licking PB&J off my leg*

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Lets Be Teetotalers

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So this is where we are currently - it's been a rough time with this preschooler, getting her that last stretch to potty trained. Also, fun fact, I'm a big fan of tea and I don't drink alcohol. I should order more tea. Specifically, bergamot tea. 

Explanation: Teetotalers are those who don't drink alcohol - they can also be described as dry. When you're potty training a kid, you want them to keep their pants (and really everything they're wearing) dry. 

L: Not to be a teetotaler but, like, *world weary sigh* could we have at least one dry day this week???
R: Liiiiiiiittle bit wet - new undies please.